if you use this with milk your mind works like super computer
what is brain:
The weight of a common man's brain is 3 pounds i.e. 1 kg 500 grams. A human brain is made up of more than 75 percent water, 10 percent fat and 8 percent protein. It is the thickest part of the body(having more fat )
The human brain keeps the blood pressure, pulse rate, heart rate, and breathing process normal. He controls all the parts of the body.
The right side of the brain controls the left part of the body and the left part controls the right part of the body.
Main functions of the brain
. It regulates body temperature, blood pressure, and heartbeat and breath.
. With the help of different senses, the brain tells us about the process around us by seeing, touching and tasting.
. The brain controls every movement done by the body.
. The brain gives us the power to think and understand.
The right side of the brain controls the left part of the body and the left part controls the right part of the body.
Information on different parts of the body reaches the mind at different speeds.
Do you know that according to science, every human being gets the same mind in this creation, just how to use and enable it depends on different people? You might be surprised to know, but it is true that the brain has no limits to remember things.
Do you know the human mind can't control multiple of work in one time it always pauses the works according to the importance of the priority work first and pause the second work than after when it work second work it pause first work?
human mind always enjoy creative works
you have always notice that creative mindset men or women do their work continuously they achieve that goal which is in a large size...
these all works need a power to the mind just like a supercomputer
some of the food I give you use it daily basis
Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Minerals like manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium are also found in it. Walnuts are an excellent source of vitamin E, which is very beneficial for our brain.
Iron, copper, phosphorus and vitamin B are found in almonds. Therefore, almond helps the brain, heart, and liver to function properly. To increase brain power, soak 5 almonds in water at night. Peel off in the morning and make a fine paste by grinding it. Now drink a glass of milk and this paste and 2 teaspoons of honey in it. It is very beneficial for the brain.
how to use :
almond and walnuts use with milk at bedtime with 4or 5 pieces
almond and walnuts use with milk at bedtime with 4or 5 pieces
Take meditation -
if you want to take my opinion I always prefer it first because it not only controls the mind also controls the whole body system.
masterstroke of the title-
there is a survey by a group of scientists are if anyone adds a pinch of lime with 1 litter of milk or curd 3-3 days gape you will find tremendous progress.
one thing more everyone has a unique talent let works on it and doesn't see other works and doesn't blem on yourself.
share this powerful information with your friends and to your family and child make them very sharp like a supercomputer.
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