Every girl wants her life partner to have all these characteristics...
Most girls wish that their future partner has a lot of money. So that he never has to think about anything. He could fulfill his every wish without stopping.
Girls want their partner to be romantic. So that love remains in their life even after a long time of marriage. The girls want their partner to leave them no chance to show love. It also often makes them feel like they are very special to them. Also, praise him from time to time.
Girls are very talkative, so they want their partner to listen to them. He should be intelligent and have a good sense of humor so that he can take the decision for him. Girls want to see their partner not an active but active listener.
Often boys do not care about their looks, so girls want their partner to wear the clothes of their choice. Their partner should be smart as well as caring, which takes great care of them.
and her should partner should be honest as possible as ...and always give respect to her.
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