how to make face free from pimples with unique idea

how to make face free from pimples with unique idea

before going to deep knowledge we understand the difference  between pimples Vs acne 

Pimples Vs acne 

Here we clear discuss a long miss concept about pimple Vs acne-
Acne -acne is a condition where oil glands of the skin become clogged, forming spots and pimples , especially on the face, shoulders, back neck, chest, and upper arms.
It is most common skin condition in the united states, affecting up to 50 million Americans yearly.
It commonly occurs during puberty, when the sebaceous gland active it occur at any age.
The glands produce oil and are stimulated by male hormones produced by the adrenal glands in both male and female .
At least 85-90 percent of people in U,S,A experience acne between the age of 12and 26 years.
how to make face free from pimples with unique idea

facts on acne

Here are some facts about acne. 
  • Acne is a skin disease involving the oil glands at the base of hair follicles.
  • it is not dangerous but live marks on face.
  • It affects at the age of 11 to 26-year people.
  • the main treatment depends on how severe and persistent it is.
it is often seen it is genetics, the menstrual cycle, anxiety and stress, hot and humid climates, using oil-based makeup and squeezing pimple. 
at the end  of this article I give a master  key to take relief from acne and pimples.

 There are many types of problems on the face of a person, the most common of which is the pimples. Such a scar of dark red, pink or sometimes dark black color, which is equal to the beauty of the face on the moon.
         Pimples are not liked by both artificial and natural references. These pimples are unsightly as well as painful at times. No one accidentally felt that pain started. In such a situation, people start applying medicine on Pimple.

    Which part of the face is Pimpl  

                                                                                                           But because of which Pimple has come on which part of the face, it has a deep relation with the rest of the body organs, treatment of the body part related to that Pimple should also be sought. In the following slides, know at which place of the face, which part of the body is damaged by the pimple or is going to reach in the coming time.
    how to make face free from pimples with unique idea

    Between the eyebrows or under the eyes

    If a person gets pimples between the eyebrows or under the eye, it affects his liver. If a pimple is slowly forming between your eyebrows, then understand that there is something wrong with your liver which may become even more harmful later.

    Liver problem

    When Pimple arrives at this place, we should adopt various home remedies to clean the problem going on in our livers. First of all, if you consume alcohol, then stop it or reduce it significantly. Next, pay attention to what kind of food you eat.

    Pimples on the upper part of the forehead

    Pimples on the upper part of the forehead indicate a person's weak digestive power. This is usually attributed to poor food ingested by him. Bad food outside and contaminated water also attacks digestive power.
    how to make face free from pimples with unique idea

    stomach pain
    This usually causes discomfort like stomach ache. But this is not the only problem. Due to weak digestive power, problems like fatigue, headache and loss of appetite also arise in the body. And the biggest problem is when the food consumed is digested after a long time, as a result it affects the appetite of the person.

    Poor digestion
    One reason for having weak digestive power is excessive stress taken by the person. Anxiety has a direct effect on a person's stomach. Therefore, digestive power can be strengthened by staying away from anxiety.

    Pimples on the lower forehead

    Being pimpled at this place means inviting heart disease. It does not have a huge impact but it is a sign that your heart is inviting diseases.

    Pimples on  cheek
    how to make face free from pimples with unique idea

    Pimples on  cheeks affect two parts of your body - the first effect is on your lungs and the second is on the teeth and gums inside your mouth. If the pimple is on the upper part of the cheek then you need to pay attention to your lungs.

    how to make face free from pimples with unique idea Chimp on chin

    Depending on which body part is affected by the pimples on the chin, it depends on which position (right, left or middle) the pimples have come on your chin. If it is in the middle of the pimple chin, then it points towards your bad stomach.

    Tooth problem

    But on the other hand if the pimple is on the lower side of the cheek then it means your mouth is bad inside. Maybe there is some problem in your teeth or it can also be a gesture towards your bad and weak gums.

    Hormonal problems
    how to make face free from pimples with unique idea

    But if the position of the pimple is to the right or left of the chin, it shows the hormonal difficulties of the person. Usually, it is not effective but if these pimples persist for a long time then you need to be vigilant.

    Pimples on nose
    how to make face free from pimples with unique idea

    A pimple on your nose means that your digestive gland is weak. It is the part of the body that is slightly below the stomach and above the lower abdomen. This part is closely related to physical hormones.

     pimples remedy ...

    • first of all, use 5-liter water as possible as a whole day
    • don't touch pimple as possible
    • use pimple best face wash - which contains neem and tulsi or uses that face wash which contain aloe vera gel.

    master key of pimples quick remedy are-

      how to make face free from pimples with unique idea
    • take a pinch of baking soda with little water and coat on your pimples for 2 minutes and wash it with water.
    • than aftet use alum with water on pimple for 2-3 hours or a whole night.
     this two-step give quick response upon pimples within 2-3 hours.

    at last, if you do not get any relief by your home treatment than use laser treatment.

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